Protecting Your Branch to ensure build steps run

less than 1 minute read

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We don’t want to merge something that could break things for us, so we want to “protect” our main branch and ensure that the GitHub Actions pass before something can be merged.

  • Go to your repository’s settings
  • On the left-hand navigation, click Branches.
  • Under the Branch protection rules section, click Add rule.
  • For branch name pattern, specify main, which is the default branch for the project.
  • If you’d like, check off Require a pull request before merging. This means that you can’t just push changes to the main branch. A PR helps organize things and ensure that all checks complete.
  • Check the box for Require status checks to pass before merging. Search for spellchecking, Markdown linting, and build and click on them to add them.
  • Modify any other settings that might be of interest to you.
  • Save the settings.

A screenshot of what the settings might look like :

Branch protection settings for the main branch

