The Ingredients

less than 1 minute read

:information_source: Have a challenge with any of this? Let us know and we’ll help!

This project is created to use the following:

  • A dev container. This will allow us to use VSCode to open this project within the dev container we’ve created, saving you a bunch of setup and hassle. It includes shortcut commands, recommended default extensions to make authoring easier, etc.
    • Alternatively, you can use GitHub Codespaces and do this all in a web browser. The dev container can be used locally or in a browser. (cool, right?!)
    • Alternatively, you can open this on your local machine as long as you have the dependencies installed.
  • Jekyll – a popular static site generator
  • Minimal Mistakes – a great, clean Jekyll theme that is highly customizable
  • GitHub Pages – this is where we assume your site will be deployed. It is free and excellent.

