Updating to a later version of our theme

less than 1 minute read

:information_source: Have a challenge with any of this? Let us know and we’ll help!

This blog setup uses the minimal mistakes theme.

In the docs/_config.yml file, you’ll see the line remote_theme: "mmistakes/minimal-mistakes@4.24.0" (at the time of this writing). This means we’re using release v4.24.0 of the theme.

From time to time, the theme may be updated and you’ll see the update on its releases page. If you want to be notified of updates, you can go to the theme repository home page, select Watch --> Custom --> Releases, which will subscribe you to release notifications.

If you want to update to a release, we recommend you:

  • Read the release notes, which will contain information on breaking changes, upgrade steps, etc.
  • Note the version number on the release tag
  • Update the _config.yml to update the version in the remote_theme variable.

