Congratulations on Getting Started!

1 minute read

:information_source: Have a challenge with any of this? Let us know and we’ll help!

Congratulations on Getting Started! :tada: :+1:

The world needs your voice. Good on you for putting it out there.

Need Help? Trying to accomplish something but unsure how?

If you have questions about this project or how to use it, don’t hesitate to open an issue (though please check the FAQs in this doc first just to be sure). We’re happy to point you in the right direction.

Should you “fork” this, or copy its contents?

What this heck is this fork term?! Don’t panic.

“Forking” is the idea of copying this project into your account, but keeping a link between the project in your account and this project. In this case, this repository would become the “upstream” repository to yours.

This could be useful in some ways. For example, if we update some things, and you wanted to pull those changes in without having to copy & paste them yourself, forking can be a nice way to achieve that. If your project and our project diverge, you might run into some change conflicts when trying to do that. (you can feel free to ask for help if you do!)

If you prefer things to be isolated with no upstream link, you can download the contents of this repository and copy all the files into your repository. We recommend checking back for updates and we’re happy to help you work through ay upgrade pains you have.

